Bussmet Sara

Sarah Fingerprint Academy for Rehabilitation and Training

Day care classes

Sensory integration room


Intelligence tests

Speech and speech disorders

skills development

Behavior Modification

Learning difficulties

Academic qualification (reading - writing - arithmetic)

intervention for all cases

Adolescent psychological rehabilitation

Modified swimming exercises

. Our goal is only a child and a happy family

My son has a problem and I am going to Bassma Sara Academy for Rehabilitation and Training --

What will you do with my son --- and which empire???

1- We will be honored by the guardian (mother and father-both together) and with them the child. They will fill out a simple initial reception form for initial information about the child.

Then the father and mother meet the director of the academy (Sarah Al-Dakan) and we will talk about the child in detail and in detail, and the child will stay with a specialist who will take care of the details and observe him and record his observations about the child, and we will also follow him on the cameras...

2- Referring the child to the psychological department to conduct an online assessment at the hands of qualified psychologists, which the child needs.

After the evaluation, the test will be corrected and the report will be written, and we will meet the guardian again and understand his son’s report, i.e. his diagnosis - his strengths and his weaknesses - and the child will need any of our services

And we put a treatment plan for the child, and it is implemented in the center, at home, as well as in the nursery and school

And we will re-evaluate again after 3 months to 6 months, depending on the child's condition

The mother will also take awareness workshops, and we will answer all her questions


. The place is monitored by cameras

. Cut off foam orb is safe for children

. In the reception there is a cute library with small and simple books for the mother to benefit from and her son to enjoy


Address : Zahraa Nasr City - Suez Street branching from the main charter, next to Sun Mollberg Al-Andalus - first floor, apartment 106

Phone : 0220470647

Mobile : 01050347723 - 01150625359

Email : bussmet.sara@gmail.com