GEMS Academy Alexandria

GEMS Academy Alex. shows the best that education can offer, designed to accommodate all the subjects and developments that an excellent school requires.
GEMS Academy Alexandria is renowned for delivering a diverse educational syllabus to children ranging from Pre-K to Year 11 in the British Division and ranging between Petite Section and PEI 4 in the French Division.All of our international teachers are highly educated and trained to deliver an outstanding level of education which promotes our ethos ‘every child matters’ to ensure that each child has an equal access to learning. We take pride in encouraging the children to become independent thinkers, we inspire creative and critical thinking skills and we promote teamwork and friendship. If you would like a tour of the school, or would like to interview to secure a place for the next academic year, please contact the school and we will be happy to assist you. See less


Address : Abis, Khorshid Al Qibliya, Qism Than Al Raml, Alexandria

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