Ewaa Academy

Ewaa Academy for different branches of education

We seek to build a balanced Muslim child..Our child today is... He is the pioneer of tomorrow

* We have a Pre kg branch **

We accept children from the age of two until entering school.

 *We have a Home Schooling branch

In order to preserve the scientific, educational and behavioral level of the child, we have prepared the Parallel Education Branch so that the child who wishes to do so can complete his studies with the same system and attention.

We also care about building a healthy, balanced personality and taking special care of behavior

We take care of direct and active teaching methods, while adhering to all procedures for the physical and psychological safety of our children.

With Ewaa Academy

 Providing a safe place for the child with full surveillance of the place with cameras, multiple well-ventilated classrooms, and a play garden / air-conditioning

We have the most innovative and fun ways of active education.... Our education is completely different

*in the academy*

International Curricula

Distinguished teachers who specialize in teaching with the latest technologies and the most enjoyable ways to achieve fun and learning together Continuous level assessment

 Innovative educational activities (Montessori/entertainment/drawing and coloring/……etc)

Also in the academy

- Doctrine course

The role model stage

 And don't forget sports is an essential thing to strengthen the child's muscles and grow properly

 3 healthy integrated meals

We are following all precautionary measures to ensure everyone's safety

* Study Mechanisms *

1- We take care of the foundation of the child in all academic subjects, so we establish the child in the English language with the Jolly Phonics curriculum and a strong foundational curriculum for the Arabic language with the Nour Al-Bayan rule and foundation in all subjects

2- Teaching the Qur’an and the ABCs of religion comes from among the priorities of our concerns with the child, with a systematic plan throughout the year




Address : Address 7215, the seventh neighborhood, Al-Miraj, behind Al-Fath markets - Zahraa Al-Maadi

Phone : 0 103 3530748 رقم خاص بالكورسات

Mobile : 01013759306 -

Email :