Lolipop Academy

Lolipop Academy
Etiquette, education and care
Today's child is the leader of tomorrow
- Memorizing the Holy Quran with Tajweed
Memorizing prophetic hadiths
Teaching manners and etiquette
in all aspects of life
- We take care of the child's education in all academic subjects
- English Oxford Phoenix way
- Arabic in the way of light of the statement
- Math or calculus with the latest and simplest methods of education for the child
- Education comes at Lolipop Academy
in a smooth and systematic way throughout the year
An integrated entertainment programme
To build a smart, constructive, innovative and artist child
*Drawing and coloring
*Lego & Blocks
* Sufficient & Handcraft
* Mini Kids Area
- Montessori
- skills development
We also have IQ tests
You talk
Behavior modification
Learning difficulties
Daily morning and evening hosts
Part time and full time
Cameras all day



Community Verified icon



Address : Retaj Tower Sidi Beshr Mosque St In the vicinity of the bus garage, the highest Khalil Pharmacy Beside account lab

Phone :

Mobile : 01099849865 - 01287694940

Email :