
Alex Cosmetic Center ACC

Alexandria Plastic Surgery Center provides all dermatological and cosmetic services by specialists such as:
Plasma and mesotherapy for hair problems.
Plasma and mesotherapy for skin problems.
Body sculpting and body contouring surgeries.
Breast plastic surgery.
Laser for bikini supply.
Nanofate for the treatment of dark circles.
Fractional laser.
The derma bin.
Miladyb Mask.
Lighten dark areas.
Laser hair removal :
Which we offer is the Duetto Evo laser device with double pulse, the latest laser devices for hair removal, which are characterized by:
In hair removal, it relies on the output of two types of lasers in the same pulse, the Alexandrite laser and the indignity laser.
Suitable for both superficial and deep hair follicles.
It does not cause any pain at the time of the session, nor does it cause burns to the skin.
Suitable for white, brown, and wheaten skin, and suitable for medium, blond and light hair.
Reduces the rate of hair reappearance by up to 60%.
The duet Evo with double pulse will save you from his problem, whatever its nature

WHam Clinics

WHam Clinics - loran

WAM Center was established in 1989 to become the first medical center in Egypt to offer a group of specialized medical clinics that cooperate to provide WAM medical programs that are famous for their impressive results in the treatment of obesity and laser cosmetology.

Distinguished clinics and services in WAM

Obesity clinics.
Therapeutic nutrition.
- Alone sculpting and coordinating the body.
WAM Academy for Continuing Medical Education and Training.
- Cellulite and Stretch Marks treatment and skin tightening.
- Laser hair removal.
Laser dermatology clinics.
Treatment of acne, skin pigmentation and tattoos.
- Remove static and kinetic wrinkles from the face.
Treatment of dark circles around the eyes.
Hair loss treatment.
Rejuvenation of the skin and hair.
Mental health clinic.

عيادات اوربيت orbit clinics

متخصصون في تجميل العيون والجفون تجميل الانف والاذن تجميل الجلد بالليزر ازالة الشعر بالليزر علاج وزراعو الشعر اطباء امراض جلدية اطباء تغذية وتخسيس اطباء جراحة تجميل 

دكتور أحمد مرشدى الريس

 جراحة التجميل والحروق بمستشفى جامعة الإسكندرية

عضو الجمعية المصرية لجراحة التجميل

levore clinic

أولى عيادات التجميل بالإسكندرية التي تقدم خدمات عديدة

بأحدث التقنيات والتكنولوجيا ومجموعة متميزة من الأطباء المتخصصين فى مجال التجميل

التجميل - الجلدية - النساء

دكتور مصطفى على العكازى

 أخصائى جراحة التجميل وتنسيق القوام 

الزمالة المصرية لجراحات التجميل