el Dahar

Colon and anal surgery in Dahar, thyroidectomy and breast tumors in Dahar, laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Dahar, hernia surgeries in children and adults in Dahar, obesity surgeries and stomach stapling in Dahar, tightening of sagging breasts and abdomen in Dahar

Clinic of Dr. Muhammad Ali Huneideq
Dr. Muhammad Ali Huneideq
Consultant of general and laparoscopic surgery
Master of General Surgery
Egyptian Fellowship for General Surgery
Dr. Arab Board of General Surgery
Clinic services:
Minor operations
Male purity
Excision of sebaceous and waxy cysts.
Excision of skin appendages
Excision of the ingrown nail
Follow-up of diabetic foot and wounds
Medium, large and skilled operations
Surgical removal of the gallbladder
Surgical removal of the appendix
- Repair of inguinal and umbilical hernias and postoperative hernias
- Excision of the anal fissure and repair of the narrowing of the anus.
- Excision of anal hemorrhoids.
- Excision of anal and pilonidal fistulas.
- Excision of varicocele and hydrocele.
- Excision of thyroid tumors and follow-up of thyroid dysfunction.
Follow-up and removal of breast tumors
Repair of an exploded stomach ulcer
- Excision of an enlarged spleen

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Community Verified icon

A S Clinic DR.Ahmed Samy


Consultant general and laparoscopic surgery
MSc in Colon and Anal Surgery
Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Clinic services: -
The clinic receives cases
Laser colon and anal surgeries
Thyroidectomy and breast tumors
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Hernia surgeries in children and adults
Obesity surgeries and stomach stapling
Tighten the sagging breasts and abdomen
Dr. Ali Darwish

D - Ali Darwish
- Specialist in general, oncology and laparoscopic surgery
- Member of the Egyptian Society of Surgeons
- laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- All general surgeries
Breast, tumor and thyroid surgeries
- All pediatric, hernia and laser surgeries
- Tummy tuck, sagging, breast augmentation and reduction surgeries
- Varicose vein surgeries and injections

Dr. Murad Mohamed Fathi Clinic for General Surgery and Surgical Endoscopy
Dr. Murad Mohamed Fathi Clinic for General Surgery and Surgical Endoscopy
Consultant of general and laparoscopic surgery
PhD in General Surgery - Ain Shams University
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Member of the International Society of Laparoscopic Surgery
Anal operations
Anal fissure - Anal hemorrhoids - Anal fistula
All general surgeries
Endoscopic repair of gastric ulcers
Breast tumors
gland diseases
Thyroid and salivary glands
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair
- laparoscopic appendectomy

Dr. Tony George
Doctor Tony George -
General Surgery Specialist -
General Surgery - Burns - Tumors -
We do all general surgery operations (simple - minor - medium - major) -
Plastic surgery (removal of scars and traces of old wounds and burns) -
Follow-up and treatment of burns, ulcers and diabetic feet -
The clinic is equipped with all means of sterilization
Mina Nabil

جراحات السمنه المفرطه بالمنظار الجراحي تكميم المعده - تحويل مسار
_ استئصال المراره و الزايده بالمنظار الجراحي
_ جراحات اورام الثدى و القولون و المعده
_ جراحات الغده الدرقيه

Dr. Emad Tawadros

General and Digestive Surgery -
Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery -
Oncosurgery -
Breast Sugery -
Endocrine Surgery -

GIT endoscopy services -
Endoscopic treatment of esophageal and gastric varies -
Endoscopic polypectomy -
Endoscopic stents and PEG insertion -

Bariatric (Obesity) Procedures
Intragastric balloon -
Sleeve Gastrectomy -
Classic (Roux en Y) Gastric Bypass -
Mini Gastric Bypass -

Dr.  Arsany Talaat Saber
Dr. Arsany Talaat Saber -
General and Digestive Surgery -
Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery -
Bariatric (Obesity) Procedures -
Oncosurgery -
Breast Sugery -
Endocrine Surgery -
Dr/Samir Goudah

د. سمير محمد جودة 
استشارى اول الجراحة العامة ، وجراحة الاوعية الدموية ، ومدرب زمالة الجراحة بمستشفى الغردقة العام ...
خريج جامعة هارفرد الامريكية ...* خدمة طوارئ 24 ساعة طوال ايام الاسبوع 
* مواعيد العيادة / من 5 م : 11 م يوميا ...
* يتم استقبال جميع حالات الجراحة العامة وجراحة الاوعية الدموية من :
1.جراحة الفتق بانواعه للكبار والاطفال 
2. عمليات استئصال الزائدة الدودية بانواعها 
3. استئصال المرارة جراحيا وبالمنظار 
4. استئصال الغدة الدرقية 
5. استئصال اورام الثدى 
6. عمليات القدم السكرى 
7. عمليات الدوالى للساقين والخصيتين 
وجميع العمليات الجراحية الصغرى ....