Nasr City

El - Ezaby Pharmacies Makram Ebeid

El Ezaby Pharmacies is recognized as Egypt’s uncontested leading provider of health and personal care products. A success story that began with one pharmacy established in 1975, the group is now a major corporation driving the country’s healthcare sector. With nearly 40 years of experience serving the Egyptian community, El Ezaby Pharmacies has an ambitious plan to cement its leadership across the region.

Dr El Ezaby’s vision redefined the profession of pharmacy in Egypt. From introducing novel operational models to offering an unprecedented range of services such as home delivery, patient consultation and support, and helping raise awareness, El Ezaby Group has transformed the landscape of health in Egypt, standing apart and ahead from day one.  

With the belief that success comes from the inside out, we invested in a top-notch development center that nurtures the talents of our team. Highly qualified professionals train our pharmacists and employees to ensure seamless operation aligned with global standards. By recruiting high-caliber team members and continuously honing and expanding their skills, our staff is recognized as a trusted source of advice and consultation.  

Today, El Ezaby Pharmacies spearheads the provision of quality health and personal care products via a nationwide network spanning 90 branches – and counting, multiple warehouses, and one baby center.

AL Image Pharmcies

24 hour service
Comprehensive Pharmacy
 home delivery
The easiest and fastest way to get your medication

El - Ezaby Pharmacy Nasr City

El Ezaby Pharmacies is recognized as Egypt’s uncontested leading provider of health and personal care products. A success story that began with one pharmacy established in 1975, the group is now a major corporation driving the country’s healthcare sector. With nearly 40 years of experience serving the Egyptian community, El Ezaby Pharmacies has an ambitious plan to cement its leadership across the region.

Dr El Ezaby’s vision redefined the profession of pharmacy in Egypt. From introducing novel operational models to offering an unprecedented range of services such as home delivery, patient consultation and support, and helping raise awareness, El Ezaby Group has transformed the landscape of health in Egypt, standing apart and ahead from day one.  

With the belief that success comes from the inside out, we invested in a top-notch development center that nurtures the talents of our team. Highly qualified professionals train our pharmacists and employees to ensure seamless operation aligned with global standards. By recruiting high-caliber team members and continuously honing and expanding their skills, our staff is recognized as a trusted source of advice and consultation.  

Today, El Ezaby Pharmacies spearheads the provision of quality health and personal care products via a nationwide network spanning 90 branches – and counting, multiple warehouses, and one baby center.

Seif  Pharmacies
24 hour service
Comprehensive Pharmacy
Haddamt home delivery
The easiest and fastest way to get your medication
Seif  Pharmacies
24 hour service
Comprehensive Pharmacy
Haddamt home delivery
The easiest and fastest way to get your medication
El - Ezaby Pharmacies Abbas El Akkad

El Ezaby Pharmacies is recognized as Egypt’s uncontested leading provider of health and personal care products. A success story that began with one pharmacy established in 1975, the group is now a major corporation driving the country’s healthcare sector. With nearly 40 years of experience serving the Egyptian community, El Ezaby Pharmacies has an ambitious plan to cement its leadership across the region.

Dr El Ezaby’s vision redefined the profession of pharmacy in Egypt. From introducing novel operational models to offering an unprecedented range of services such as home delivery, patient consultation and support, and helping raise awareness, El Ezaby Group has transformed the landscape of health in Egypt, standing apart and ahead from day one.  

With the belief that success comes from the inside out, we invested in a top-notch development center that nurtures the talents of our team. Highly qualified professionals train our pharmacists and employees to ensure seamless operation aligned with global standards. By recruiting high-caliber team members and continuously honing and expanding their skills, our staff is recognized as a trusted source of advice and consultation.  

Today, El Ezaby Pharmacies spearheads the provision of quality health and personal care products via a nationwide network spanning 90 branches – and counting, multiple warehouses, and one baby center.

El - Ezaby Pharmacies Metwally El Sharawy

Visit your nearest El Ezaby Pharmacy or Call us now on 19600 to learn more about our  Offers

مركز متخصص في القياس والتقييم النفسي ، والاستشارات العلاجية والإرشادية ، والأبحاث ، والتدريب .

نحن مركز نفسي متخصص في تقنين وتطبيق المقاييس النفسية ، وعلاج اضطرابات ومشكلات الأطفال والمراهقين والراشدين ، وتقديم الاستشارات التنموية والأسرية ، وتدريب المختصين على المعارف والمهارات النفسية ، والجمهور العام على مهارات الحياة ، وتقديم الدراسات التنموية للمؤسسات .

نحن مركز متخصص في تقديم خدمات القياس والتقييم النفسي ، والاستشارات الإرشادية والعلاجية ، والتدريب على أدق وأحدث المعارف النفسية للمختصين ، والجمهور العام .
من خدماتنا :
التقييم النفسي : قياس الذكاء والقدرات ، الشخصية ، المشكلات السلوكية ، الاضطرابات النفسية ، المشكلات الزوجية ، مشكلات الأطفال ، الاستعدادات والميول الأكاديمية والمهنية ، الاتجاهات .
الاستشارات الإرشادية والعلاجية : للمساعدة في حل المشكلات السلوكية والاضطرابات النفسية للأطفال والمراهقين ، المشكلات الزوجية ، الضغوط ، القلق ، المخاوف ، الوساوس ، الاكتئاب ، الاضطرابات الجنسية .
الدورات :
نعتمد في درواتنا على المعارف النفسية الدقيقة الحديثة . ومن دوراتنا ما يلي :
• تدريب الأخصائيين النفسيين والاجتماعيين والمربين والوالدين على تشخيص مشكلات واضطرابات الأطفال ، وتصميم برامج تعديل السلوك .
• تدريب المقبلين على الزواج والمتزوجين على مفاتيح الحياة الزوجية السعيدة ، واستراتيجيات حل المشكلات الزوجية .
• إدارة الضغوط ( الشخصية ، الأسرية ، العملية ، الاجتماعية ) بمهارات العلاج المعرفي السلوكي .
• تشخيص وعلاج الاضطرابات النفسية لغير المختصين ، من ذوي المرضى ، والعاملين في مؤسسات المجتمع المدني ، والجمعيات الخيرية .
• تدريب الأطفال والمراهقين على تعديل السلوك ومهارات الحياة الشخصية والعلمية والعملية