Masr El Gdida Heliopolis

Dr. Hossam Abol Atta Professor of Plastic Surgery


Beauty is an important aspect of modern life. People today not only want to feel good inside, they also want to look good outside Maybe you are considering enhancing your breasts or your buttocks, or getting rid of that excess of fat, or improving your nose shape, or give a fresher look to your face. Maybe this is too expensive in your country.Or just you look for privacy and discretion. Maybe you are considering having this surgery abroad, but with safety and confidence. ENTER and know all what you have to know about safe and affordable plastic surgery!!


Dr. Samer Hamed Al Khayat
Lecturer Of Pediatrics Ain Shams University
Consulate Pediatrics & Pediatric Neurology
Member of ESPN & BPNA
Your child cares about us
Follow the growth and development of the child.
Treatment of delayed mental and motor and delayed speech.
The discovery of autism and lack of attention.
Treatment of headaches and epilepsy.
The discovery of diseases of muscles and nerves
Appointments: Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00
عيادة الدكتوره حنان إبراهيم
عيادة اد حنان إبراهيم 
أستاذ طب الاطفال ورئيس وحدات الرعايه المركزة للأطفال 
مستشفيات جامعة عين شمس 
مصر الجديدة : ١٠٠ ش الثورة بعد مكتبات سمير و علي الدور السادس -مصر الجديده 
السبت الاتنين الاربعاء من ٧ الي ٩ مساء 
الاحد  الثلاثاء الخميس من ١ الي ٣ ظ( الخميس بموعد سابق )
Dr Gendy Dental Clinic

اخصائي زراعة الأسنان و تجميلها

و ماجستير زراعة الأسنان من جامعه القاهره 

وكمان تقدر تعمل كل خدمات الاسنان ( زراعه - تجميل -تقويم - تبيض - حشو ) لو عندك كرت cib الائتماني و فيزا البنك الاهلي  بالتقسيط مع دكتور احمد الجندي اخصائي زراعة الأسنان و تجميلها

   Dermalase is a Cosmetic skin and laser center provides a full range of medical and aesthetic dermatological treatments , most advanced laser technologies and state of art non-surgical cosmetic procedures.
​Dermalase is run by a team of qualified and certified doctors and accredited practitioners using only the latest scientifically-proven FDA and/or CE marked equipment and products. Dermalase’s staff is committed to the highest ethical standards and offers top-quality service in a highly-personalised, luxurious and easy ways which guarantee the most satisfactory skin treatment results as well as customer delight.
Capital Hospital

مستشفي العاصمة التخصصي هي احدي المستشفيات الواعدة في المجتمع الطبي المصري بموقعها المتميز وبأعلى مستويات الرعاية القائمة علي اسس المهنية الطبية العالمية بالإضافة الى التجهيزات عالية المستوي كما انة  يوجد  لدينا نخبة من امهر الاطباء  و اساتذة جامعات واستشاريين وفريق طبي واداري مدرب علي اعلي مستوي  من الكفاءة والخبرة والمهنية في كافة  التخصصات الطبية والإكلينيكة

Cairo Cosmo Center


منذ عام 2007 ومركز كوزمو بالقاهرة هو الاختيار الوحيد لجراحات التجميل والعناية بالبشرة وكل ما يساعدك على تحسين حياتك. سيرعاك دائمًا مجموعة من الأطباء والاستشاريين المعتمدين من قبل الجمعية المصرية لجراحة التجميل الذين يتمتعون بقدر من الثقافة والرحمة والتميز. أعطى الفرصة للجراحين والعاملين في مركز جراحة التجميل لمساعدتك فى تحقيق أهدافك. احجز استشارتك التجميلية المجانية.


Dr. Samer Hamed Al Khayat
Dr. Samer Hamed Al Khayat
Lecturer Of Pediatrics Ain Shams University
Consulate Pediatrics & Pediatric Neurology
Member of ESPN & BPNA
Your child cares about us
Follow the growth and development of the child.
Treatment of delayed mental and motor and delayed speech.
The discovery of autism and lack of attention.
Treatment of headaches and epilepsy.
The discovery of diseases of muscles and nerves
Appointments: Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00
city dental (Dr. Ismail Sorour)

Dr. Ismail Sorour 
attended Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt, where he received a bachelor’s degree in dentistry. 
He later went on specializing in Conservative and Restorative Dentistry by completing his Masters Degree.
Our mission is to provide a top quality dental experience, thus we’ve committed ourselves to using the latest innovations like dental lasers because of its distinct benefits that make procedures go more smoothly, and also reduce discomfort and healing time for patients.
Our services:
1.Preventive dentistry ( filligs and root canals)
2.Periodontics and gum ttt
3. Pediatric dentistry 
4. Oral surgery 
5. Implants
6. Cosmetic dentistry 
(Fixed and removable prosthesis)
(Tooth whitening)

Dr. Ahmed Medhaet Zaki

Adress : No.67 Othman Ibn Affan St. Safir Sq. -tel : 01065519985

Day El Qamar Beauty Center
Established in 2002. An elite team of beauty experts with vast experience & international standards of efficiency. The center provides continuous offers all year including treating hair problems, nonsurgical permanent hair implants using French retina, treating skin problems using the latest French methods, full laser depilation in a single session, body contouring according to international beauty standards
keep your smile in your face
تجميل الاسنان.
تجميل اللثه.
تبيض الأسنان.
تقويم الأسنان.
تركيبات الأسنان البورسلين.
زراعة الاسنان.
الحشو، علاج العصب والتركيبات الثابتة.
Established and maintained by a group of professional, highly trained and informed plastic surgeons and clinical nutrition physicians. It is an informative website aiming to give you all the true facts you need to know about plastic surgery procedures and weight control treatment options before attempting any of them. 
Dr.. Mohamed Baraka

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Baraka, Professor of Speech Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University

smile planet dental clinic

Laminate veneers
Crown & Bridges
Cosmetic fillings
Digital smile design
Scaling & Polishing
Whitening ( Bleaching )
Root canal treatment
Open surgery
Laser bleaching
You can defeat your fear & get your prefect smile
With smile planet you are in your own planet
your healthy & perfect smile is our top priority
Life is not short when you smile

Doctor Marwa Yassin Soltan  (  Pediatric Dermatology )

Heliopolis : Heliopolis-5 El-nady street-extension of Merghany street- close to Heliopolis club and beside Zalat shop-Roxi

Bridge Dental Center

At Bridge Dental Centers our philosophy is to provide treatment to the whole person – with a special focus on how your teeth and gums relate to your total body health.


Maythaa Salem Anwer For Dermatologist & Cosmetologist
Great offers for permanent hair removal with 3 instead of 5 per pull, skin lifting & removing wrinkles using the latest RF devices, fillers & Botox. Treating all hair problems using mesotherapy or stem cells. The latest fractional laser devices. Various custom diet plans, reshaping body using the latest devices, lipolysis topical injection, face rejuvenation with chemical peeling & bleaching the whole body with glutathione.