Nasr City

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Alyamama Cheeky Chimps
-حضانة  Alyamama cheeky chimps  مرخصة   يعني ايه حضانة مرخصة؟ يعني بتخضع لرقابة وزارة التضامن ،الصحة والدفاع المدني 
و ده معناه أن تكوني مطمئنة على ابنك أو بنتك في المكان.
_المكان مصمم وفقا لمعايير الأمان الدولية و توجد كاميرات مراقبة في كل مكان في الحضانة.
خايفة من interview المدرسة و عايزة ابنك يتقبل في أفضل المدارس الدولية حضانة Alyamama cheeky chimps بتقدملك برنامج تعليمي متكامل لتأسيس طفلك في اللغة الإنجليزيةوبنهتم باللغة العربية وتحفيظ قران كريم بالتجويد  و تدريبه على أسئلة interview المدارس الدولية .
بنقدم برنامج تعليمي مبسط للاطفال بشكل ترفيهي ممتع للطفل من خلال التعليم عن طريق  اللعب و شرح المنهج من خلال المجسمات و الالعاب.
و بنستخدم أدوات المنتسوري لتنمية مهارات الاطفال لكل الأعمار.
-بنهتم جدا بالجانب الرياضي ويشمل (لياقة بدنية ،مسابقات رياضية ،العاب قوى وتدريب سباحة من خلال مسبح مغطى بنظام الفلترة والتعقيم )و  الترفيهي للأطفال إضافة إلى  الجانب التعليمي برنامجنا الرياضي بيشمل السباحة و لياقة بدنية و بنقدم برنامج ترفيهي للأطفال بيشمل رحلات و حفلات ترفيهية.
-بنتهم جدا بصحة أطفالنا و بنتبع نظام غذائي صحي متوازن في الوجبات الصحية المقدمة للاطفال الغنية بالخضروات و الفواكه و البروتينات لبناء جسم صحي و تقوية مناعته.
-وبنقدم رعاية صحية وطبيب زائر 
- توجدإمكانية توفير جلسات تخاطب مع افضل  اخصائيين في التخاطب و تعديل السلوك من خلال اشراف الحضانة 
-لو محتاجة مكان لاستضافة أطفالك بعد المدرسة بنقدملك برنامج  ال  after school  و بسعر مميز جدا بيشمل وجبة ساخنة و مساعدتهم في عمل الواجبات المدرسية و منطقة ألعاب كبيرة للترفيه و المرح.
حضانة Alyamama cheeky chimps مش مجرد حضانة للطفل لا دي بيته التاني 
حضانة Alyamama cheeky chimps عالم من المرح و التعليم و الترفيه و الرعاية و الاهتمام 
Kiddos Nursery & Preschool Nasr City Branch

why kidoos ?

blended eyes with steam curriculum 

an inclusive environment because everyone has the right to education 

a psychologist and qualified staf

an accessible learning  environment

healthy and balanced meals 

parent mobil application 

infants to school age 

Highest standards of safety and cleanliness

bright and energising premises

convenient working hours -  flexible extra hours

Ganna Academy

For all the mothers who are looking for the best and strongest nurseries and to feel safe  about their kids

Searching a place to grow and develop your child's abilities

Seeking a place for your son to learn and establish, right?
All your needs are in Ganna Academy , a nursery you can rely on.

Educational programs to develop the child's cognitive and physical skills. 

Our Services: 
Training children on the international schools' interview







 Arabic Language




3 healthy meals for kids

Daily working hours are from Sunday to Thursday from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm .

We accept children from three months to five years old.

Hero Academy

• Morning session + evening session

Until 10pm

• We have delivery within Nasr City and the Settlement

• French language class at a foreign school

• After school

• A teacher with more than 20 years of experience at an international school in the Emirates

• An English teacher and Julie Phoenix, a graduate of a language school

10 years of experience in teaching nursery and after school

Nanez has the highest level of cleanliness, attention and care

• Healthy food

• The entire place is monitored by cameras

• Possibility of daily and part-time hosting

• Gradual and safe separation of the child

Hosting is available during the month of Ramadan at the time of Tarawih prayers


• The place is well ventilated and has 2 gardens


• Games suitable for all ages


• Interest in Montessori and skills development


• Preparing the child for international school interviews and languages


• A balance between the entertainment and academic aspects


Talent House

We accept children from two years old
Appointments are from 7 to 3
Extra Time for 5
An educational academy aimed at building a creative child
Academy programme
Teaching the Arabic language using the Nour Al-Bayan method
Teaching English through the Oxford curriculum
Holy Quran
Teaching mathematics and all
mathematical calculations
A special skills development program for every age stage
There are also foundation lessons for the first stages: kg1, & kg2
The place is equipped with surveillance cameras
There is an indoor garden with an area of ​​25 meters

Fekra academy

- قرآن 
- آداب 
- تنمية مهارات 
- تعديل سلوك 
- منتسورى 
- الأكاديمي ( نور بيان.. چولي فونكس .. math) 

- جلسات 
- تدخل مبكر
- تخاطب 
- تنمية مهارات 
- تعديل سلوك 
- صعوبات تعلم 
- اختبار ذكاء 
- مقاييس نفسية

binaa academy
At Binaa Academy Nursery *
- We guarantee you the option of choosing for parents who want to create an environment for their children in which they can grow and develop as drinkers.
*Our teachers are highly qualified and experienced. As you activate children's Montessori skills.
*We provide education in English.
*Quran sessions and Arabic language sessions.
*Business in mathematics and science.
* Teach to have fun.
* Balanced meals.
* Summer/winter camps.
* A large abra park.
* Physically active and yoga.
* Music classes.
* Arts and crafts.
* Drama and parable.
In addition to us, we are an expert in behavior and speech modification.
. And providing after-school hosting service.
* Young children from 3 months to 5 years old.
cloud 9 Nursery and Preschool

Cloud9 Nursery and Preschool is a child- centered daycare, preschool and training center for all individuals from age 3 months to 17 years...

We believe in loving, nurturing and helping our children crave their very own unique journeys.

 We offer different services to our Little Ones:
1- Cloud9 Preschool
2- Cloud9 After School Services
3- Cloud9 Academy (Offers courses for children from 0-7 years)
4- Cloud9 Center (Offers speech therapy sessions, occupational therapy, Montessori, Behavior Adjustment, Skills Development, Phystical Education, Musgtova)
5- Cloud9 Camps

Top kids Nursery

Top Kids Nursery.
-  Cams online 24 hours
-  Groups from the age of 3 months in prepared classes
-  Academic and Montessori program from 2 to 5 years
-  3 healthy meals
-  suitcase bag at a height of 180 meters
-  Lessons, Quran, music, etiquette
-  Summer camp in a private setting for ages KG1 to Grade 6 with qualified teachers from an international school
-  3 swimming pools for all ages (kids, seniors, summer camp
-  Corona virus precautionary measures


We accept children from the age of three months Three educational curricula for the child starting from the age of nine months Teaching is Montessori / self-care / socialization English language/religious education Fitness training with a professional trainer / artwork / garden open air Comprehensive sterilization and continuous temperature measurement Three healthy meals / daily report Academic and behavioral evaluation every three months Special educational classes for school children The latest educational and entertainment tools Air-conditioned classrooms / CCTV cameras / anti-shock and anti-bacterial floors Address: 

X O nursery

ياتري ايه اللي تحتاج له  الام ف أي حضانه عشان تكون مطمئنه علي طفلها ؟
➖السؤال الأهم 
ياتري ايه اللي يحتاج له الطفل عشان يستمتع بوقته وطفولته وينشأ نشأه صحيه وسليمه ؟ 
- الإجابة بأختصار موجوده عندنا ف X.o nursery
-  كاميرات مراقبه 
- فصول يدخلها الشمس جيده التهوية
- مساحات واسعة لأنطلاق طفلك 
- كيدز أريا سيفتي علي أعلي مستوي من المساحه والأمان 
- جاردن خارجيه 150 متر سيفتي ومأمنه 
- موقع الحضانه رائع وهادئ ومجهز لنمو الطفل بشكل صحي وإيجابي
- اتخاذ الاحتياطات الاحترازيه للتعقيم والنظافه 
- العدد ف الكلاس لايتجاوز ال 15 طفل 
- مدرسات متخصصات علي أعلي مستوي 
- رعايه طبيه 
- تغذيه صحيه 
- انشطه متعدده 
- أعلي مستوي تعليمي 
- نقبل من سن 40 يوم حتي مابعد المدرسه
ابنك لسه مرتبط بيكي 
ابنك رافض الحضانه
ابنك انطوائي أو كلامه ضعيف
ابنك عصبي أو عنيد 
احنا ف X.O nursery جاهزين نساعدك ونساعد طفلك ونكون معاكي خطوه بخطوه
برنامجنا في ...
-  اللغه العربيه بطريقة نور البيان 
‏-  English _ math
- تحفيظ القران الكريم بالتفسير الميسر 
- منتسوري 
- تعليم الاتيكيت 
- فتنيس 
- تنميه مهارات 
- شاشه عرض كبيره وبروچكتور

- تعليمي وترفيهي 
- ثلاث وجبات صحيه 
‏- Fan days
‏- After school استقبال 
- قصص توعيه اجتماعيه ودينيه 
- رسم 
- هاند ميد
- طبخ
- تقارير يوميه 
- فصول مكيفه 
- تجهيز الاطفال لانترفيو المدارس
- مواعيدنا من 7 ونص صباحا  ل 4 مساء
- اكسترا تايم ل 6 مساء
- يوجد اون لاين كاميرا لولي الأمر 
خصم خاص للأيتام يصل ل 50%

Al Mubarak International Academy

تعلن Mubarak International academy عن افتتاح فرعها الجديدة في مصر
 الإداره والاصطاف موهلين تربوين وخريجين رياض أطفال
  بنقبل من سن 3 شهور وحتي دخول المدرسه
  كما نستقبل الاطفال After School   
 نعمل بنظام تعليمى بمنهج oxford discover و jolly phonics ومنهج المنتسوري
 تعليم لغات :
 عربى - انجليزى  - فرنساوى  
 مناهج دولية international curriculum
 العاب ذكيه لتنمية مهارات الاطفال
 اكتشاف وتنمية مواهب الاطفال.
 تطوير اعتماد الطفل على نفسه.
كما يوجد اخصائين لتنميه المهارات والتخاطب.
 تأهيل الاطفال للقبول بأى مدرسه.
 جاردن ومنطقه العاب كبيره .
المكان كله مغطي بالكاميرات
 كشف دوري علي الأطفال
كما يوجد لدينا :
 حفلات لأعياد الميلاد
 وايضا نقدم انشطة متنوعة للاطفال :
 رسم  - اشغال يدوية - موسيقي  - وانشطة فنية متنوعة
 تدريبات لياقة بدنية وأكاديمية رياضية متخصصة
تقرير يومى
 خطة اسبوعية
 ساعات إضافية
 إمكانية إنتظار الطفل بعد المدرسة
 بنتاخذ جميع الأجراءات الاحترازيه للحفاظ على صحة اطفالنا
وكل ده بيتقدم بطريقة مختلفة ومميزة
  يفضل حضور الطفل مع ولي الأمر عند التقديم
 يشرفنا زيارتكم أو تواصلكم معانا
What's App

Imperial International Nursery & Preschool
* International curriculum
( Macmillan & Jolly phonics )
*Arabic ( Nour Albayan curriculum)
* Quran & Hadeth
* Etiquette
*Islamic Manner.
Multiple purposeful activities
*Psycho motors
*Mind up program
*Story telling
*Puppet show
*Educational trips
*Music & Zumba
*Art & craft
*Birthday parties
*Daily & Monthly report
*3 Healthy meals
*Potty training
*Baby class
*Bus service
*After School Program.
ما هى الفوائد التي تحصلون عليها عند الاشتراك لطفلك معنا؟
*نهتم بمهارات ما قبل اللغة
*نهتم بمهارات ما قبل الكتابة
*نتيجة سريعة تلحظونها على الطفل
*نهتم بقياس آداء الطفل ونموه
*نشاركك في تنشئة شخص مسئول عن أفعاله وقادر على إسعاد نفسه ومن حوله.
*نخبرك بالخطة التعليمية والتربوية اول كل شهر.
* المصداقية والشفافية التامة لأننا شركاء في تربية طفلك.
*السعر عادل مقابل القيمة.
الحضانة هى مكان بيشارك الأهل في تربية وتأسيس شخصية الطفل
مهارات ما قبل اللغة:
التفاعل الاجتماعي
Napta Hasana Montessori Nursery
I wonder what makes children happy in one place and another?
 Despite the two, they may be presenting the same activities
Wisdom lies in the ability for the child to feel that this place is understood and contained
 And the staff is like Mama in dealing and kindness

Children have the ability to feel who really loves them and who treats them kindly without real feelings and feelings.
It communicates to them a good sense of love, safety and kindness
 And he knows the difference between honesty in feeling
And the false feeling, even if he has all his requests and everything is good for him
This is what really sets us apart from others
Despite the high competition between nurseries, the child is the one who determines and chooses with the utmost simplicity and all his requests for comfort, safety and love
And when the place has all this in addition to cleanliness and sterilization
Also, the distinguished academic and the easy and fun way of delivering the information makes you really a lucky mother in the place where you will be able to leave your son.

We have
Sterilization of the entire place with alcohol for toys, tables, and chlorine for floors
Daily temperature measurement with a digital thermometer
Changing shoes and wearing corks inside the place
Pay attention to children's personal hygiene and wash hands regularly
Do not receive any child with any symptoms of illness
And not only that
A very special academy supported by a wide range of distinguished Montessori and Flash Cards games
Teachers specializing in each subject
Quran and light statement with a licensed teacher
Jolly phonics and training on how to read letters
And it sounds right
A school dedicated to skills development and Montessori games

Fundays and purposeful and weekly parties

(Good plant - the most enjoyable and safe place for your child)
Napta Hasasna Montessori Nursery

Our aim : to raise our child self confident with developed educational skills ready

to deal with new people and experience new activities.•

Children are accepted from the age of 3 months till School age.•

Summer school students.•

Our working hours from 8a.m. till 4 p.m. •

After school hosting till 6 p.m.•

Extra working hours are also available


• Educational services: English and French

.• Self Development: - Ethics and Etiquette classes. - Mind Up games -

  Montessori - Potty Training - Reading Stories • Entertainment: - Art and Handmade crafts -

Outdoor PlayGround - Swimming Pool - Birthday Parties -

Monthly events ( BBQ, Fundays, Puppet shows,...)•

About Food: 3 healthy meals ( Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks )•

Notes: - All our classes are monitored and air conditioned -

Daily reports about your child's activity and food. - Medical Check-up every week - Parents meeting


kids zone

Among the services provided by the Kids Zone Nursery, when the child is presented, he passes a general assessment that contains (behaviours, communication, skills development, intelligence test). We make it clear that  the entire education system is in the Kids Zone nursery in a way that improves skills and draws attention 

We all know your role as a mother at home. How do you work? You are always the one who thinks and makes the most important decisions in your home and in the lives of your children.
And the decision to choose their nursery is not an easy decision, because the most important thing that occupies you is..Is the place where I will leave my son or daughter at the age of these months, a real preservation of it or not???
Is it going to take care of my children exactly like that or not??

Your confusion has a solution for us, because your son is safe and happy because we are
 We provide you with an integrated learning environment with the best teachers in all subjects
 I mean, your son will come out ready for the most difficult entertainment in national and international schools
This is because we have a school interview qualification program
 Our real goal in establishing Montessori classes and using Montessori curricula is to raise children in a rich and rich environment to learn through.
With the will, we work on educating, educating and directing genius and talented children whose minds are ahead of their ages and who have the ability to achieve great achievements at a young age.
Your son/daughter will learn many things with us
 He will learn Arabic with us in the way of Noor Al-Bayan
 He will learn English and French with us in the latest ways
 He memorizes the Qur’an and the noble hadiths
 We have a speech and behavior modification specialist to help your child
 We treat learning difficulties with specialists
 We offer an advanced education program using 4D technology
 We use the American Positive discipline to modify children's behavior
art education
Fun day weekly
Serve fresh meals
We receive children after school to study and do homework with them after school
We accept children from the age of 3 months to a year and a half, they will have a nanny and a special supervisor for them only to take care of them fully
We are with us too
Character building
Accepting children up to 4 years old

Giggle Castle Nursery

Giggle Castle Nursery 
Our Mission Is To 
Play learn, & Grow Together . 
-We welcome children starting from 4 months till 10 years. 
-Two meals (breakfast & lunch) and snacks. 
-We teach English, Arabic, Maths, Science Quran, and Ethics. 
-We enjoy Library, PE, Music & Songs, and Art & Craft sessions. -Prepare the children for school interview. 
-We provide after school program. -Celebrate the events as New Year, Ramadan, The Eid, etc... 
-Potty training. 
-Weekly prizes for super student of the week. 
-Contests and contest prizes. 
-Daily & monthly fees.

Baby world nursery

we are opened for business since 2012 , we are following HighScope's educational approach that is  emphasizes “active participatory learning.”
we believe in our kids 
-To learn through active involvement with other kids , materials, events, and ideas
- to become independent, responsible, and confident — ready for school and ready for life
- To learn to plan many of their own activities, carry them out, and talk with others about what they have done and what they have learned
To gain knowledge and skills in important academic, social, and physical areas

Kidsology Nursery

Why Kidsology?
We easy make our children feel home .
We have a different activities to meet to meet the needs and talents of our children.
* تحفيظ قرآن 
لغة عربية بطريقة نور البيان
* 3 healthy and balanced meals
* Montessori
* Music
* Art & Craft
*Jolly phonics 
* Math & Science 
* Cooking 
* Indoor and outdoor play ground

- We accept angels fom 45 days
- Day & night hosting till 10 pm .
- After school service.

Fun house nursery
The nursery receives children from 3 months until entering school
Reception of school children after the school day with homework and lunch
A special place equipped for infants, with a separate bathroom from the nursery, and toys for the baby
Baby teachers and supervisors are experienced mothers
Academic education from the age of one year and two months
Preparing children for school interviews and passing them psychologically and educationally with ease
Rehabilitation of children for the school year and curricula (full kg1 curriculum)
Memorizing the Qur’an with intonation by metaphorical memorizers
A Quran reader for school children at a symbolic price
Specialized in English, Arabic and Islamic Education
Garden for the nursery
Potty training
Three healthy meals
Montessori and the development of children's skills, while discovering and developing the personal skills of each child
Gym and swimming pool
Constant communication with parents and keeping up to date with developments for each child
A special rehabilitation program for new children, with the possibility of receiving mothers in the first week of the new children's participation
Entertaining education and recreational games
Organizing periodic parties and birthdays
Rehabilitation of children with learning difficulties and delayed speech under the supervision of educational, psychological and speech specialists
The nursery receives children from seven thirty in the morning until six thirty in the evening
The possibility of receiving children on Saturday (at least five children)
The nursery takes all preventive measures to protect our children and nursery workers
Learn Nursery
We accept children from the age of 3 months
And we receive children after school
Establishing and qualifying children to pass the school INTERVIEW
Arabic, Holy Quran
Sports and fitness
And on holidays we do work
Winter camp
summer camp
Entertainment trips
Addressing and learning difficulties, and there is also a bus available to transport children within Nasr City
And in meals
There are special offers for brothers and sisters
Starting from 7.30 am
Till 4:00 p.m
And there is a waiting time but with extra fees.
Baby World Nursery
we are opened for business since 2014 , we are following HighScope's educational approach that is emphasizes “active participatory learning.”
we believe in our kids
-To learn through active involvement with other kids , materials, events, and ideas
- to become independent, responsible, and confident — ready for school and ready for life
- To learn to plan many of their own activities, carry them out, and talk with others about what they have done and what they have learned
To gain knowledge and skills in important academic, social, and physical areas
Nursery and pre- school educational  systems .
- International Curriculum. 
- French and English.
- High scope learning approach. 
- Zumba class.
- Arabic Class 2/Week.
- Music Session.
- Art Session.
- Doctor Visit. 
- تخاطب
- Physical education.
- foreign teacher
Disney Corner Nursery

Disney Corner Nursery

Our philosophy is that each child is unique and deserves to be given the opportunity to experience the best possible to start his/ her education. 

Our nursery provides a safe and nurturing environment where children are encouraged to build self awareness, social skills and personal development through engaging activities and playing within a relaxed and caring atmosphere.

We offer : 
English section
French section
Two well balanced meals
Montessori classes
Religion classes
PE classes
Music classes
Dancing classes
Art and hand crafts
Cooking classes
Arabic classes
outdoor playing areas

Leaders Nursery

Exciting experience in the exploration and discovery of their world . Your child will learn by doing as the participate in our activities . The environment is positive, our programs are carefully structured to foster your child's early childhood needs. You don't have to worry while working as for the times you can't be there yourself, leaders nursery supports your efforts to nurture the healthy growth of of your child .we provide safe affordable, high quality care so you can have peace of mind. Exciting 5_day activity plan: Field trips and events. Music and PE classes. Religion classes. Play ground and out door time . Cooking and food art. Science and social studies. Three balanced meals. Fine motor skills activities. Intellectual skills activities.

Bavaria Kindergarten

Bavaria Kindergarten is one of the oldest German nurseries which was founded in Egypt. We have experience of more than 30 years in the field of Kindergarten education and Montessori. we promise to take care of your children and they will get the most utmost care. Our working times: from Sunday to Thursday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm You're more than welcome to come and visit us and be part of our big family :) Bavaria kindergarten in Nasr City We receive children from 7.30 am to 4.00 pm. Enrollment in nursery school starts from the age of two years. We prepare children for the German school entertainment educationally and academically. We offer a specialized language program to learn and improve language skills. We have been dealing with children for more than 35 years. - We offer winter camp and summer camp for German school children, where we offer an academic program for each stage. We receive children from German schools after the end of the school day. We celebrate all German occasions with children inside and outside the nursery.- The educational program includes a sports day with a specialized captain, as well as teaching and playing music with specialists. We rely more on the Montessori system in teaching with children. We offer breakfast, lunch and snacks with drinks. There is also internet, where we receive German school children now and follow up with them the study program online and we help them. - We offer a monthly and semi-monthly subscription system, as well as daily hosting for nursery children, their sisters, or German school children. Weekly leave: Friday, Saturday, and official state holidays only. - We send to you the weekly program of the activities that the children did during each week, while following up on the topics that we deal with throughout the week with pictures, stories, songs and educational videos via WhatsApp and a book for daily follow-up.

Edrak’s academy

- Montessori/Portage activities and fine motor skills - Behavior development - We have Winter/Summer camps - We have a speech learning difficulties specialists - Monthly seminars for parents - Baby hands love to paint and like to touch different textures of fabrics and paper and we know how to improve those skills - Open all year round ( except public holidays ) - Free application to whoever is holding Egypt kids directory Contact us at 01005616589 -01098660734 - 02/220810664 Edrak’s academy ( our page on Facebook ) Our Address: 126 Mamdouh Salem street Ramses Extension 2 next to Al-Rashdan mosque and Cairo stadium infront of Cairo international fair Nearest metro station: Fair zone

Smile Kids Nursery

Fun classrooms interactive learning Qualified , dedicated and experienced staff Fantastic outdoor areas for ki Fittness classes Providing quality childcare Fresh and healthy cooked meals school (after school) Follow-up by teachers with 14 years of experience in the field of teaching Working hours from 7:30 am to 4 pm, overtime to 5 pm The place is disinfected daily The nursery is fully air-conditioned Surveillance cameras and follow up 3 healthy meals Rehabilitation of children to enroll in languages ​​and international schools outdoor garden Nursery floors covered with anti-shock vinyl A sports captain to train our children weekly Arabic - Quran - MontessoriPost hosting service -Math -Development Skills - music sessions -Art& craft ‎ jolly phonics english

Marshmallow Academy

Marshmallow Academy LET YOUR CHILD'S FIRST JOURNEY BE A HAPPY ONE ! CLASSES : Baby class from 3 months to 1 year Little Junior class from 1 year to 2 years Junior class from 2 years to 3 years Senior class from 3 years to 5 years After school , Winter & Summer camps Why choose us ? • Loving & caring environment. • International standard curriculum. • Activity based learning. • Languages & social development. • Physical development. • Outdoor & Indoor playground. • Creative development. FROM Sunday to Thursday 7:00am to 4:00pm Extra hour till 5:00pm Our program Music & Movement Craft Games Life skills Story telling Painting Drama &Action P.E & ZUMBA Religion

The jungle Nursery
We offer:
Languages, Arabic, Quran, Karim, arts, music, manners, healthy meals, medical care, daily activities, skills development, classrooms full of vitality and fun, a large outdoor area equipped with games, brand new, hosting children after school.
We accept children from 3 months to 5 years old.
From 7 am to 4 pm