Masr El Gdida Heliopolis

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Sesame Club Nursery Heliopolis Branch
At Sesame Club nursery we offer:
• Flexible working hours from 08:00 am to 04:30 pm and we have late hours up to 06:00 pm. 
• Full-time & part-time options available. (Part-time is 12 days a month).
• 3 perfectly balanced meals daily, made at our kitchens using fresh and premium quality ingredients in addition to a free extra meal at 04:00 pm. (Upon request) 
• English and French sections.
• Teaching Arabic during the working hours free of charge. 
• Professional extra curriculum trainers such as (Drama, PE, Zumba, Music, Ballet ...etc.).
• Wide spacious indoor and outdoor spaces, with a large secured pool. 
• Cameras all around the nursery buildings indoors & outdoors.
• Digital and smart teaching techniques and equipment. 
• Parents’ daily reporting System through our I-Care phone application to keep you informed about your child daily routines.
• We accept children from 3 months of age.
Kids Castle Nursery

Accept kids from 3 months to 5 years

Preparing children for school interview

 After school care and special winter & summer camp

 We welcome children 5 days a week from 7 am to 4 pm

Extra hours till 7 pm daily

Host children on weekends with advance

reservation until 12pm

Qualified teachers highly trained and experienced

in early childhood education

English . French . Arabic . Religion

Fun activities ( art . Crafts . Music

Cooking . Fundays . Trips

Cameras and air conditioned

Two organic healthy meals

Transportation with supervision

Hilltoppers Childcare Center
Hilltoppers Childcare Center 
we offer
Camera monitored classes 
English classes 
Arabic & Quraan
Parents Quarterly Evaluation 
Daily Reports & monthly Newsletter 
High qualified staff 
Three nutritious meals 
Zepter Kitchen stuff 
Play and learn stations
Our Methodology
Reggio Emilia inspired curriculum 
Creative language 
Physical development 
Communication skills , language and literacy 
Personal , social & emotional development 
Problem solving reasoning and numeracy
Swan Academy
Swan academy
Why us? 
➡️Caring&safe environment
➡️Jolly phonics approch
➡️ Outdoor garden
➡️Three healthy meals 
➡️After school program
➡️Trips & fundays
➡️Online cameras 
➡️Interactive classrooms 
➡️Fitness & Gymnastics 
➡️ Quran & Music 
➡️Science activities 
➡️Arts & crafts
➡️Bus service 
➡️Summer&winter camps 
And much more...
St.Paula Academy
Saint Paula Academy is not just a traditional nursery, because we are establishing your child correctly by using the latest educational methods.
We offer :
Academic curriculum such as :
English and math
French & German
skills development
- Behavior modification
Swimming pool
3 healthy, balanced meals
Our working hoursfrom eight in the morning until four in the evening, from Sunday to Thursday, with additional hours
Full time and part time (12 days /month)are available
For more information kindly call : 01158330448
Leaders Camp Nursery

From seed to Lead,,, -We accept from 3 months to 5 years. -we accept from 5 to 11 years in summer and winter camp. Our program includes: -after school program to improve their skills and helping them in their homeworks -Training on how to answer all the interview questions. -Jolly phonics curriculum. -Learning on smart board. -we have American teacher to improve their accent and knowledge. - Montessori Room. -French as second language -Math and Arabic classes -Sports ,trips and events -3 healthy meals -camera system all over the nursery and mobile application for daily report,photos and videos. -Safety baby room. -Quraan and Religion sessions -Gymnastics and Fitness Academy -Etiquette and ethics sessions. -doctor visits.with doctor. Kids -Music and zomba sessions . -Winter and Summer programme. -Sunny and widely classes. -Puppet show and conversation sessions . -Transportation is available -working hours from 7.30 to 4 and there is extra time with additional price.

Kiddy Corner Nursery

We enhance International Educational systems, merging Montessori based method with Finnish play based system to develop creativity and self- learning in English and French. In addition to EYFS Canadian system

  • Montessori International system (applying North American Montessori Curriculum)
  • EYFS Canadian system (Early Years of Education Foundation Stage)
  • French section applying Montessori with native speaking French teachers



We have equipped our platform with creative structures, technology-oriented educational equipment, safe oriented tools, spacious ventilated bright classrooms and playgrounds, educational centers and a drama area as well as highly applied safety hygiene measurements


Dedicated Staff:   

Our certified professional and well trained staff members are attentive to individual needs, serving as catalysts to spark each child’s interests and desire to experiment and explore. Our teachers are accredited (MEPI+), Positive Parenting diploma as well as Learning disabilities and children behavior modification diploma.


Kiddy City (Pretend Play Area)

Our children explore and enjoy the real world, simulating creativity and self-learn activity aspects through plays and interesting stations

Kiddy Educational Center

Specially designed stations and areas to motivate learn through play methods, apply educational and sensorial activities and convey essential manners and concepts

Additional programs provided by Kiddy Corner to enhance children’s creativity and knowledge:

KG 1 to be program

Preparing our children physiologically and academically to pass school interviews through our integrated academic programs, activities and mock interviews throughout the year.

Also the following interesting workshops and activities are applied at Kiddy Corner:


Finger Gym and brain Gym activities

A developmental program, in which new methods are embedded through simple activities and games to improve cognitive function, enhance learning, communication abilities, attention, memory and academic performance


Young Ancient Egyptian

Introducing our children to their Egyptian culture and civilization in a journey through past and present to boost their love and belonging to their country.


Learn to give Workshops

Emphasizing the concepts of mercy, giving, sharing and being good to others









Kiddy winter and summer camps

Kiddy camp is the place to spark our children’s creativity, unleash their talents and build their characters through a wide range of creative indoor workshops and outdoor activities.


Young staff team

Our Kiddy Corner graduates, come back to work at the nursery and hold simple responsibilities according to their age.


Events, annual & graduation parties

Encouraging our children to explore their emotions, expand their imagination and help them develop their own confidence and find joy in self- expression

Mada Preschool

Mada's international bilingual education is offered to children between the ages of 4 months and 5 years. Mada International Academy prides itself on integrating two of the leading educational curriculum in the United States, the 21st Century Learning and the Montessori Method, into one exceptionally effective teaching system. This integrated approach represents an entirely different outlook on education and is designed to help all children reach their fullest potential at their own unique pace. Not only does it provide Montessori approach in English section but also in French.

Kids Kingdom Nursery

محتاجه حضانه تكون بتأهل طفلك ل انترفيو المدارس بتدوري علي حضانه يكون فيها أخصائية تخاطب وتعديل سلوك نفسك في حضانه تنمي مهارات طفلك وتعلمه مهارات جديده #Kids_kingdom_nursery بتقول لكل الماميز كل دا واكتر عندنا هتلاقيه بنقبل الأطفال من سن 3 شهور حتي سن دخول المدرسه طيب بنقدم ايه لأطفالنا تعليم اللغه العربيه والانجليزيه ومساعدة ابنك لأجتياز انترفيو المدرسه والقبول بمدارس الناشيونال والانترناشيونال * كورس Dr math لتطوير قدراتهم العقلية * بنعلم اطفالنا بمنهج Montessori بالكامل * تحفيظ قرأن كريم * تعليم أصول الآتيكيت * يوم رياضى كل أسبوع * حفلات و ايام ترفيهية * انشطة متعددة (موسيقى - رسم - fitness - Recycling - cooking ) * فصل زومبا و ايروبكس Pool parties . * اخصائية تخاطب و تحسين سلوك و تنمية مهارات و رعاية طبية * ٣ وجبات في اليوم للاطفال * متاح لدينا باص لتوصيل الاطفال Summer camp

Anahid Academy
نحن نقدم أفضل رعاية لأطفالك، والكثير من الأنشطة، والترفيه، في بيئة صحية مع برنامج تعليمي متميز..
تقبل الحضانة الأطفال من سن 3 شهور إلى سن 6 سنوات.
خدمة استقبال الأطفال بعد المدرسة حتى سن 10 سنوات: (وجبة - حل الواجبات المدرسية).
برنامج لأجازة الصيف ونصف العام لأطفال المدارس حتى سن 10 سنوات.
· قرآن كريم (تجويد).
· قصص الأنبياء.
· الأحاديث والأذكار
· تعليم الصلاة.
· تعليم الكمبيوتر.
· لغات: الإنجليزية - الفرنسية - العربية.
الحضانة تقدم:
· 3 وجبات يومية للأطفال
· متابعة طبية دورية
· جلسات تخاطب وتنمية مهارات.
·بوتى تريننج.
· التأهيل لدخول المدرسة.
· خدمة توصيل الأطفال.
· تقارير متابعة الطفل (يومية وشهرية).
· من الساعة 7:30 صباحاً إلى 4 مساءاً.
· مواعيد الإنتظار المسائي: من 4 - 6 مساءاً.
· استضافات الجمعة والسبت والأعياد والإجازات الرسمية.
· فترة مسائية من 4 إلى 10 مساءاً.
الأنشطة الترفيهية:
· حمام سباحة.
· العزف (أدوات موسيقية).
· أعمال يدوية وفنية.
· الرسم والتلوين.
· بازلز ترفيهية.ط
· رحلات وحفلات.
Future kids academy Nursery & Pre-School
Future Kids Academy Nursery 
طفلك لا يحتاج أجنحة ليطير .. فقط الاحتواء والعلم وسيحلق بخياله 
ليه تختارى اى حضانة وخلاص وترضى بأقل درجات التميز و Future kids Academy Nursery بتوصلك لأعلى درجات الرضى لان كل اللى بيحتاجه طفلك فى الحضانة موجود فى : 
اكاديميه فيوتشر كيدز مرخصه وتخضع للمراقبة 
 كاميرات اون لاين لمتابعة طفلك من المنزل 
 مساحة الحضانة 400متر على دور كامل لضمان التهوية الجيدة وترك المساحة لطفلك لممارسة هواياته بشكل كبير 
 تأهيل الأطفال لاجتياز انترفيو المدرسة بمنتهى السهولة واليسر على يد مدرسين متخصصين فى التأسيس
 تحفيظ القرآن الكريم وتعليم العقيدة والاحاديث والإذكار يوميا 
 دين مسيحى 
 لغة عربية بطريقة نور البيان
 English Jolly Phonics
 Math - حساب 
 French - German 
 أنشطة منتسورى وتنمية مهارات 
 تعليم كمبيوتر 
 تعليم الرسم والخط وتعليم تناسق الألوان 
 تعليم السلوكيات والإتيكيت والاداب العامة 
 اخصائيين تخاطب وتعديل السلوك 
 مدرب جمباز وزومبا 
 الحضانة مكيفة بالكامل 
 متابعة طبية دورية فى مختلف التخصصات 
 نقبل الأطفال من عمر 3 شهور وحتى سن المدرسة
 نستقبل طلاب المدارس بعد اليوم الدراسى للمساعدة فى المذاكرة والواجبات والتأسيس 
 نعمل من الاحد إلى الخميس على فترتين من 7ص : 2ظ
 ومن 3م : 6م
 متاح استضافة يوم السبت بالإتفاق المسبق
 خدمة التوصيل متوفرة من وإلى الحضانة 
كما نقدم كورسات وبرامج إضافية: 
 كورس يوسى ماث 
تخاطب وتعديل سلوك
 دوروس تأسيس حتى الصف الثالث الإبتدائى متاح اعدادي ثانوي 
 01554566450 0221832118
 العنوان : القاهره جسر السويس شارع جمال عبد الناصر أمام مدرسه جوهار أعلى سنتر وقبان الدور الثالث - 
حضانات_السلام  /جسر السويس 
محطة_مترو_ الهايكستب او عمر ابن الخطاب
ABC Edu Academy

ABC Edu Academy is the home of the family and the child
ABC Nursery:
We accept children from two years of age and over
The use of augmented reality education technology
Pre-school establishment
Arab. Wedding . Programming . Robert. English. Science.Math.French. Deutsch.etiquette.drawing and coloring.handicrafts. Behavior modification. Development of mental and creative skills.
ABC Center for the care of special groups:
A complete Montessori class
Gym and full rehabilitation
Specialized individual educational therapeutic programs to facilitate the education of the disabled and develop their abilities
(Hyperactivity, distraction, autism, speech, learning difficulties, Down syndrome, intellectual disability, movement disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, sensory impairment and double, severe emotional disorder, multiple disabilities, brain injury, giftedness and excellence, language and speech disorders)
We have day care

- A special discount for all tests and measurements for a limited period, catch the offer

حضانة دار الأرقم

رؤية الحضانة لدينا برنامج تعليمي يستهدف جميع الجوانب الرئيسية لتنمية الطفل في المهارات الحركية واللغوية الاجتماعية والذهنية عن طريق توفير انشطة والعاب تعزز هذه المهارات وتساعد الطفل في النمو والتطور

Lads n' Lasses Nursery

Lads n' Lasses is an American nursery in Heliopolis, Cairo. We provide services for children from three months to five years. We provide a clean and safe environment for your child while specializing in the early childhood education your child needs!At Lads n’ Lasses we specialize in helping children explore, learn, and grow in ways that prepare them for future success. We have an individual plan for each child as we guide your child to develop a strong character, exhibit empathy for others and take responsibility towards society in which they live. Children are honored for who they are, where they begin and how far they go. Their journey is our challenge, as we are responsible for their introduction to formal education. Each year is used as a building block to the next.

Beehive Nursery & Pre-School

Beehive nursery and pre-school offers excellent facilities for children.· Beehive prepares our kids for national and international schools.· Beehive education style is based on Jolly phonics system and Montessori classes.- English & French classes.- Arabic classes.- Cooking.- Religion.- Motor skills.- Character Building.- Educational games.- Science classes.- Etiquette and Manners classes.- Art & Crafts.- Story telling and puppet show.- Songs and music classes.- Sport classes (Gymnastics)- Swimming pool.- Trips- Planting.· Beehive kids age from 3months till 6 years.· Beehive Working days from Sunday till Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm.· Beehive offers extra time with extra fees.· Beehive offers 3 meals with delicious snacks.· Beehive provides parents with daily reports.· Beehive provides Medical care.

La Maison de Filo

La maison de Filo Montessori Academy 

Two sections English and French 
8 am till 4 pm from Sunday till Thursday 
Extra hours from 7 am and till 5 pm
After school section 
Summer and winter camps
Fitness and zumba 


Chez Jeannot Nursery Branch 1

Heliopolis branch monthly fees 1650

Including 3 meals
About Chez Jeannot Nursery: * Gymnastics, Aerobics, Swimming pool (summer).

The Ultimate Child Academy

About The Ultimate Child Academy:



Languages: Arabic - English - French - Holly Quran




Age: from 3 Months - to - School Age




Working Hours: Basic time from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm




Extra hours in Late duties are available till 5:30 pm




Meals: Breakfast - Lunch - Snacks




Montessori approach for practical life skills




The Ultimate Child Academy Provide Medical Care




Activities: Music - Ballet - Karate - Art & Craft - gymnastic - Puzzles - Computer - Birthday Parties - Trips




Transportation Available


Banana bunch nursery
No vacation will be wasted. We will learn new things and take advantage of every moment of the vacation.
Banana bunch nursery
* Announces the existence of Summer Camp for school children
Fitness classes
- English classes with native speaker & foreign teacher
- Cooking
- Art & Crafts

* We also announce the addition of an evening period and the addition of Fridays and Saturdays
* With an online camera to monitor your children throughout the day from your mobile..
All this and more in our program for a special holiday - in addition to the main nursery activities.
Wait for many surprises - during the vacation and additional programs
*Banana_bunch wishes
Have a useful and enjoyable holiday

Community Verified icon


No vacation will be wasted. We will learn new things and take advantage of every moment of the vacation.
Banana bunch nursery
* Announces the existence of Summer Camp for school children
Fitness classes
- English classes with native speaker & foreign teacher
- Cooking
- Art & Crafts

* We also announce the addition of an evening period and the addition of Fridays and Saturdays
* With an online camera to monitor your children throughout the day from your mobile..
All this and more in our program for a special holiday - in addition to the main nursery activities.
Wait for many surprises - during the vacation and additional programs
*Banana_bunch wishes
Have a useful and enjoyable holiday

Community Verified icon
Boss baby nursery
*With Boss Baby Nursery
We provide a safe and healthy environment
And many activities will differ in the strict strict
Your son will learn through playing and developing skills
 Every day you speak and a new button
And for our beautiful children, Boss Baby Nursery
With the important baby nursery, you will find Boss Baby Nursery
The best management and the best teachers
* mathematics
*Jolly Phoenix
* Memorizing the Qur’an
* Proficiency in developing Montessori skills
* Light of the statement
* Monitored by cameras
* Games area
* course
University of California Mathematics
**Special discount for subscribers in the first month of subscription: 10% discount for children and 20% for sisters
* We also have a special section for communication sessions, learning difficulties, and skills development
10 Qasr Al-Tahra Street, the end of Slim Al-Awwal from Saray Al-Qubba
Harley Nursery

Harley Nursery*

On the opening occasion all attendants will have the rest of September free without meals.
The second offer is a 15% discount.
We care academically about the advanced methods .
Montessori and Jolly Phonics.
Preparing the children for the schools interview .
Follow up with parents for everything related to the child, not only his general behavior in the nursery, but also If there is any complaint from the child.
we are in contact with  mothers and specialists regarding Sexual awareness and bullying seminars for children.
There are also parents seminars in raising children whether nutritional or psychological.
We notice the child early if he needs communication sessions or any other problems.
Skills development, entertainment activities, parties.
We accept children from 2 to 6 years old.
From Sunday to Thursday.
Extra hours from 4 pm to 8 pm,or till 9 pm with the management agreement.

little pooh

Welcome to Little pooh, a family vibe play based education Preschool in heloipolis that not only edutains but also develops children into well-balanced characters. Here are answers to some questions you may have.

We accept children from as young as 3 months .


Our orientations run daily between 10AM and 2PM without an appointment, we suggest you bring your baby with you so that you both feel comfortable whilst you get to know us and experience all the precautions we have put in place. 


We're located just off Road el khalifa elmamoun opposite sook al asr computer mall, we are neighbors heliopolis club and are open from Saturday to Thursday. Operating hours are 8AM to 4PM (with extended hours from 7AM to 5PM with teachers supervision).


We offer transportation throughout heliopolis. Our monthly fees are currently 3200LE per month. And our  part time fees are 2100 per 13 days in a month. 
For a virtual tour check out Little pooh nursery on FB and get a better feel of who we are:

If you'd like more information about our COVID precautions, just ask. 

Thank you for leaving your number, one of our friendly staff will contact you soon alternatively, please call us at anytime.

kids college

We are the first step to prepare your child for school.
We teach your kid manners before language.
We stress on principles, Freedom of choice and self confidence.
As individual is disciplined when he is the master of himself, We introduce MARIA MONTESSORI'S practical life which is linked with Art and Craft; it mainly aids the child's whole development, physical, mental, social, and spiritual skills.
English classes.
Arabic Session.
Art and Crafts.
Cooking and baking.
We will have recitation of the Holly Quran.
We provide Medical care: ( under the supervision of a pediatrician ).
Two hot meals with full all nutrition & two snacks.
Detailed daily reports.
Kids from 6 months till school age.
Summer programs.
Open from Sunday to Thursday.
Opening from 8:00 am till 4:00 pm.

First Steps Nursery

Hurry up and register your kids in our Amazing Summer Camp at first steps Nursery and let them have fun in our Outdoor Area.

Register Now and let your kids have fun

Summer Camp Program 2020

Art and Craft
French (second language)
Scientific Experiments
Self- defense sessions
PE sessions
Creative thinking
First Aid
Treasure finding games
Tent building
Zumba \ Yoga
Swimming pool
Ages from 5 till 12 years old
3 freshly made meals
All rooms are monitored with video cameras
Air-conditioned classes
Safe playing Area
Transportation service available

Baby Life Nursery
We encourage children to learn and be creative in unconventional ways
Accepted from the age of 3 months until entering schools
 We present after school differently
Daily report for each child
Provide healthy meals for children
Uniforms for children
The whole place is well ventilated
Complete daily sterilization
 The educational aspect
The Arabic language in the way of Noor Al-Bayan
The English Jolly Phonics Method
Math / German / French/Science / Art /Music Active /Fitness
* Karim reciters / hadith / jurisprudence / creed of remembrance / etiquette / behaviors
Activating the Montessori curriculum to develop children's skills and learning difficulties at the hands of specialists
Children are trained to pass Interview schools
Monthly parties
Monthly trips for children
German Cos Appointments from 7 am to 7 pm
Kids Castle

نستقبل الاطفال من سن ٣ شهور  الي ٥ سنين
تعليم اللغة الانجليزية و اللغة الفرنسية
مونتسوري بالالعاب الخشبية و فنون و اشكال يدوية ، اتيكيت
توجد انشطة صيفية
التحضير للمقابلات المدرسية
رعاية طبية متميزة
 ٣ وجبات صحية متكاملة
 مواعيد العمل من الثامنة صباحا ، حتي الساعة الرابعة مساءاً وساعة اضافية مساءاً.
توجد استضافة بعد المدرسة

Garderie Mémé Jeannot

- Mémé JEANNOT is a preschool and daycare center, owned and directed by Mrs. Jeannette Moussalli, former teacher and head of different cycles at Sacré-Coeur Heliopolis- Following her academic career, she opened several preschool and daycare centers, such as Chez Jeannot,- We Offer:- Preschool academic curriculum- French & English sections- Adminssion from 3 months till 5 years- Experienced qualified staff- Daily progress report- Pediatrician weekly visits- Physical Education- Behavioral and Etiquette program- Three nutritious meals- After school service and summer camps- Available extra hours till 6:00 P.m.

lads and lasses

At Lads n’ Lasses we specialize in helping children explore, learn, and grow in ways that prepare them for future success. We have an individual plan for each child as we guide your child to develop a strong character, exhibit empathy for others and take responsibility towards society in which they live. Children are honored for who they are, where they begin and how far they go. Their journey is our challenge, as we are responsible for their introduction to formal education. Each year is used as a building block to the next. 

work hours 

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Alam Semsem
Quran memorization with tajweed
Arabic language in the way of light of the statement
English - Science - Math - Calculation
We accept children from 3 months to 10 years old
There is a foundation up to the first grade of middle school
Gifts for high achievers
 Monthly for all materials with the distribution of gifts Test
