Maadi New Maadi Zahraa El Maadi

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Nour  Nursery
Fulfil your child's needs through basic programme including English activities, Music,Arts& Crafts and Swimming Classess - Montessori activities
* Fulfil your child's needs through basic programme including English activities, Music,Arts& Crafts and Swimming Classess - Montessori activities
Stepping Stones American Pre-School & Nursery

About Stepping Stones American Pre-School & Nursery: 

Professional American Curriculum 

Highly Qualified Teachers 

Arabic - English - Quran 

Working Hours: Basic time from 7 am to 7 pm 

Full Time / Part Time / After School Packages 

Meals: Breakfast - Lunch - Snacks 

Character Building Skills / Mini - Science / Jolly Phonics / Motor Skills / Art & Craft / Quran / Music / PE / Trips / Swimming Pool / Fun Days / Medical Care 

Toddler's Garden and preschoolers / Summer and Winter Camps 

Daily and Monthly Reports

First Step Academy

First Step Academy - El Maadi

دلوقتي تقدري متقلقيش علي انترفيو المدرسة و تضمني رعاية طفلك علي اعلي مستوي

لان حضانة first step academy


حديقة بمنطقة خارجية بالاضافة الي منطقة داخلية.

دراسة منهج انجليزي دولي و منهج عربي و تحفيظ قران و برامج اكاديمية تناسب كل فئة عمرية.

فصول صحية باضاءة و تهوية طبيعية و مساحات مناسبه و مكيفة بالكامل.

المكان مراقب بالكاميرات كاملا

تحضير الاطفال لاجتياز امتحانات قبول اكبر المدارس الناشونال و الانتر ناشونال.

تقرير يومي للطفل و تقييم شهري لمتابعة التطور التعليمي لكل طفل.

انشطة ترفيهية مختلفه : موسيقي, اعمال فنية, لياقة بدنية ، تنمية مهارات بنظام المنتسوري .

ايام ترفيهية و حفلات اسبوعيا و حفلات اعياد ميلاد.

متابعة يومية لانشطة الاطفال من خلال صفحتنا علي الفيس بوك.

الاهتمام بالصحة النفسية و البدنية و السلوكية للاطفال .

طبيب لمتابعة الاطفال صحيا

تقديم 3 وجبات صحية طازجة يوميا مباشرة من مطبخنا( افطار - غذاء - سناك)

نقبل الاطفال من 3شهر الي 12سنوات ، كما يوجد استضافة بعد المدرسة بالاضافة الي المعسكرات الشتويه و الصيفيه .

Smart Baby Nursery Maadi

About Smart Baby Academy:
We accept children from 3 months to 5 years old
Appointments are from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m
Teaching Arabic, French and English
Experienced teachers and supervisors
International curricula customized for each stage
Quran memorization
Child Personality Programs
A large garden for practicing different activities
Premium medical care
computer education programs
Educational and recreational programs for school children in the middle of the year and at the end of the year
Smart Baby Academy offers healthy meals and sweets
Transportation available
Some of the activities that die Smart Baby Academy: drawing - gymnastics - aerobics - music - karate - cooking - video - arts and crafts - birthdays

Cooky pre-school nursery
So come along and let your little ones enjoy the pleasure of learning in a safe, healthy & caring environment
1) 35 years of experience.
2) Cooky offers Academic Education based on balanced Ethical and religious concept.
3) Highly qualified teachers.
4) American program – Quran.
5) Daily and weekly report.
6) Different activities {Art – Hand crafts – Painting ….etc.}.
7) Sports program {Games – Quadrate – Gym – Swimming}.
8) Built in Swimming Pool.
9) Extras {Journeys – Parties ….etc.}.
10) Music Class
11) Age from 3 month till 5 years
12) Medical Care {Doctor’s visit}.
13) Bus service.
14) Working hours from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
15) We have no another branches
Twitter Kids Nursery

We believe that children learn best through play and hence aim to provide them with a secure, enjoyable and affectionate upbringing where they are nurtured by our well-qualified staff, to bring out their unique identities and personalities.

More Moms

With Us ,, Your Child Is More Unique
Math , Music ,Arabic , Quran, English, French , Germany , Arts And Fun Days