Hadayek El Ahram

An international nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram, a language nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram, an American nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram, expenses for nurseries in Hadayek al-Ahram, an address for nurseries in Hadayek al-Ahram, transportation for nurseries in Hadayek al-Ahram, nurseries numbers in Hadayek al-Ahram, international curricula in Hadayek al-Ahram, The best nurseries in Hadayek al-Ahram, Islamic nurseries in Hadayek al-Ahram, Montessori nurseries in Hadayek al-Ahram, private nurseries expenses 2023-2022, search for language nurseries in Hadayek al-Ahram, nurseries in Hadayek al-Ahram, find a nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram, a nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram, The top 10 nurseries that apply the British system in Hadayek al-Ahram, the best national nurseries in Hadayek al-Ahram, the best international nurseries in Hadayek al-Ahram,

Victoria International Pre-School
We have a highly professional native speakers staff and forigner in our sections (British, French and
We are the first nursery with a private villa and a huge garden.
Our Pre-school contains of :-
1)British Class " we have native and fluent teachers".
2)German Class " we have a German classs tearcher and Egyptian teacher".
3)French class " we have a French class teacher and Egyptian teacher "
4)Mintessori and activity room.
5)Arabic and Religion class.
6)Baby class " we accept babies from 5 months ".
The Garden:-
We have a very big garden and it's completely safe and secure , there is an artificial
grass and puzzle foom on the flooring which has been laid down for the children's
There are two main hygienic Bathrooms , where we encourage the children to
develope their personal hygiene.
Two meals are offered ( Breakfast - lunch )
Freshly made in our hygienic kitchen. 
Tribal woodland International nursery

is a community where all children feel loved, respected and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential.
Is to provide high quality education and childcare in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for life-long learning.
We provide
3 balanced meals
English  curriculum ( jolly phonics )
pre math, pre science, manners ,holly Quran ,Arabic ,Montessori ,PE activities, cooking classes, Art, medical visitations, interviews preparations.

Your child won't want to walk out of the nursery

Outstanding management

Specialized and experienced Arabic language teachers and educators - Nour Al-Bayan

Math - Science - Phonics - Religion - Montessori - Art and Crafts - Fitness - Music - Puppet Show - English Story - Water Games English And Arabic Circle
Excellent healthy environment
Hygine Pay attention to etiquette and personal hygiene
Funday weekly parties
Monthly , Weekly and Behavior Reports Everyone
Follow UpTo Everyone
Comfortable spacious halls for children from 3 months to 6 years old
Amazing Summer Camp
Kids Planet nursery and pre-school

Kids Planet , Nursery and Pre-School Kids Planet Nursery and Preschool: - we accept age from 6 months to 5 years - Open 5 days aweek from 8 am to 5 pm - We offer safe, clean, healthy & sunny enviroment - Part time & day care available - Healthy & fresh meals (breakfast, lunch, snack) - Montessori system - International cirriculum - Daily Excercises (P.E) - Music , Art & cooking - Daily & Monthly reports - Educational trips - Specialists in educational fields - 20% discount for the second child and 25% discount for the third child - Potty training See less

modern kids academy

من افضل #حضانات_حدايق_الاهرام هتلاقي كل اللي بتحلمي بيه عشان هدفنا هو الطفل و بس و عشان احنا مش مكان وخلاص بنهتم بتمية مهاراته و ذكاوه كمان بنأهل طفلك لاجتياز الاختبارات المدرسة مش بس كدا احنا كمان 
نعمل وقت الاجازات الحكومية والعطلات الرسمية 

كاميراتشاشات عرضكمبيوتر_العاب ترفيهية
مساعدة الطفل للالتحاق بالمدرسة اذا فاتة ميعاد التقدم 
وجبات صحية تحت رعاية واشراف متخصص تغذية 
تعديل سلوك والاهتمام بالاتيكيت طوال اليوم
كلاس زومبا وموسيقي
تقرير يومي للام بالتفاصيل عن الطفل  اعياد ميلاد مجمعة كل شهر 
نستقبل الاطفال من سن 40 يوم ل 12 سنة
الادارة متواجدة طول اليوم وعلي مدار الاسبوع
دروس خاصة في جميع المواد للمراحل التعليمية
متابعة الواجبات المدرسية يومي الاستعداد الامتحانات مع مدرسين اكفاء متخصصين
لغة اضافية حسب رغبة ولي الامر الماني فرنسي ايطالي 
حلقات قران لجميع الاعمار من الساعة 4 مساءا الي 6 مساءا
مواعيد العمل من 7.30 صباحا الي 4:00 مساء و يوجد ساعات اضافيه

Rainbow Kids Academy

The innovation kids learns out the box of the traditional education to face the difficulties of life

Jana Daan Nursery

-We are always looking for the best future for our kids that's why we provide them the best quality they really deserve
- 3 healthy meals ( breakfast- Lunch- snack ).
- Medical check up
-Quran , English , Math, Arabic , Nour Al-Byan , science & Francais .
- Arts & Crafts.
- Indoor and outdoor activities & swimming pool.
- Potty training & safety rooms .
- Summer camp.
- Physical activities ( Teakwondo , Zumba & ballet).
- We are open from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- Extra waiting hours till 6:30 pm
- We work on Saturdays

Egypt International Nursery

Egypt international Nursery provides the best educational and recreational services and activities for children in one place.

جرين هايتس أكاديمي
هي اكاديمية تعليمية تهدف للنمو بالطفل و تنمية مهاراته العقلية و اللغوية على أيدي نخبة من المتخصصين
Welcome to Green heights academy
Our nursery present :
montessori activities.
Swimming pool
Big Garden.
Three healthy meals.
Medical care.
Daily and monthly Reports .
we accept children from 6 month
working days from Sunday to Thursday.
working hours from 7.30 am to 4pm. Extra hours till 6 pm
After school service
till 6 pm

Busy Bee Nursery

انا عايزه حضانة عشان طول الوقت فى الشغل
بس قلقانه بسبب الا بيحصل فى الحضانات و كمان عايزه حضانة تطور مهارات ابنى و كمان على يد متخصيصين ؟؟؟؟
طب لو قولت لحضرتك كل ده موجود فى مكان واحد حضانة. Busy Bee Nursery
فى كاميرات فى كل مكان فى الحضانة
يمكننا استضافة الاطفال لمدة يوم كامل
أو استضافة ب الساعه
مواعيد اليوم من 6.30 ل 4 و في ساعات إضافي لحد الساعه 6 م
عندنا اكتر من نظام يناسب ربات البيوت و الأمهات اللي بتشتغل كمان
نقبل الاطفال بجميع اعمارهم
بنقبل الأطفال من سن ثلاث شهور
(after school )ويوجد لدينا خدمة
وكمان بندرسلهم اتيكيت و بنحفظهم قرأن دة بجانب دراسة اللغة العربية . science - English - Math.
منهج منتسوري كامل
وكمان بنطور مهارات الطفل بشكل مختلف
وكمان ده مش كلام وخلاص ده عن تجربة
حضرتك ممكن تشرفينا وتشوفى ده بنفسك

Kids Club

Why to choose #Kids_Club ?

With us your kid is not just going to learn

He will learn in a fun way

and we will help you in developing his personal skills

We have unique educational ways ( special education - curriculum -Educational puzzles - 3D books - clay ) .

We have playstation & computers.

We have learn Motor Skills.

Zumba, Music classes.

And we also teach ( English - French - Arabic )

Math - Art - montessori - Etiquette - Educational songs

Quran - Tagweed - Nour bayan

We also have a big garden and playground that have a lot fun stuff that your kids will love

And we have a fun day every weekend (face painting - puppet Theatre ) .

We can also have your as a guest for just one day.

We also have summer school for kids up to 10 years .

We also have special offers when you will call us.

We also have Night Hosting everyday.

Qualifying the interviews for school.

from 7am to 4pm from sunday to thursday, & saturday is available by daily hosting.

oasis International Pre school

انتي وابنك في مركز اسري متكامل برعاية تربوية ونفسية من د غادة حشاد احد افضل التربويين في الوطن العربي1. حضانة لابنك من 1 ل 6 سنوات 2.التعليم المنزلي بتسجيل رسمي


3. اكاديمية تنمية مهارات متكاملة للطفل بمناهج تربوية متميزة تهدف لتعديل السلوك و تنمية المهارات وغرس القيم 4. دورات تربوية وعلاقات زوجية للوالدين & مميزاتنا : 1- مناهج تعليمية دولية ونؤهل ابنك لاجتياز الانترفيو و الالتحاق بافضل المدارس . 2- تنمية مهارات وتعديل سلوك وغرس قيم بمناهج تربوية وباحدث الوسائل التعليمية. 3- ندرس كل مناهجنا بطريقة المنتسوري وبادواتها. 4. ندرس تنمية مهارات التفكير باحدث المناهج الدولية 5. متابعة دائمة مع د غادة حشاد شخصيا و فريقها التربوي المؤهل لتطبيق افضل المعايير التربوية والاسرية 6. حصص لياقة بدنية مع مدرب متخصص. ونمتاز ب : متابعة دائمة مع ولي الامر .. تقرير يومي .. جدول حصص .. وجبات صحية .. باص .. فصول مكيفة .. رحلات وحفلات .. اشترك لابنك معنا في : فريق التمثيل الذي يهدف لتنمية المهارات .برامج غرس القيم وتعديل السلوك و بادري بالحجز معنا مباشر او اون لاين مع د غادة حشاد الاستشارية الاسرية والتربوية في برامج : اساسيات التربية الواعية لتعرفي كيف تستمتعين بتربية سهلة ومثمرة باحدث الاساليب التربوية. بيتنا جنتنا لتصلي لاكبر قدر من السعادة الزوجية والتوافق الاسري


Smart Baby Academy

About Smart Baby Academy:
Languages: Arabic - English - French - Quran
Age: from 3 month to 5 years
Working Hours: Basic time from 7:30 am to 4 pm
Meals: Breakfast - Lunch - Desserts
Qualified Teachers and Assistants
International Age-Focused Curriculum
Character Building Programmers
Mid-Year and Summer School Programs                                                                                      Large Garden for Outdoor Activities
Interactive Educational Computer Software
Activities: Drawing - Music - Gymnastics - Cooking - Karate - Aerobic - Videos - Art & Craft - Birthday
Transportation Available

Gardens Academy
Gardens Academy is a friendly setting. We aim to offer a balanced introduction to early years and foundation development. We welcome children from 3 months to 4 years.
Green Heights Academy

برنامجنا كبير وشامل و متنوع لكل أطفالنا
(البرنامج من عمر ١٠شهور الى ٥سنوات)

تعليم اللغه إلانجليزيه بطريقه مبتكره
بوكليت خاص للتدريب على انترفيو المدارس
 بنقدم لطفلك أنشطة رياضية زى الزومبا و الجمباز والكاراتيه
 جلسات تخاطب لجميع اطفال الحضانه مع دكتورة تخاطب
تنمية مهارات وصعوبات تعلم مع أخصائية
لغة فرنسية
مونتيسورى مع مدربة مونتيسوي
 هيتعلم تلاوة القرآن و حفظه بشكل صحيح و
كمان قصص الأنبياء و الأحاديث النبويه
لغه عربيه ونورالبيان
حصص طبخ
اتكيت واخلاقيات
حفلات ومناسبات
رسم وتلوين
وطبعا بنستقبل اطفال المدارس لحل الواجبات وشرح الدروس على أيدي معلمات متخصصات للمرحله الإبتدائية

Blue Bird nursery & art center

لغه عربيه
تحفيظ قران، واحاديث شريفه
تربيه دينيه وتعليم السلوكيات الصحيحه
والأهم أن اللي هيقدم كل دا معلمات ومربيات ذوات خبرة ومتخصصين في مجالهم
في Blue bird  اخصائيه تخاطب
رسم ، وتلوين  موسيقي ، انشطه رياضيه، مسرح عرائس، اشغال يدويه ، حتي الالعاب العاب تربويه هادفه
وكل دا غير يوم الفن داي ومفاجاءته
في Blue bird  دكتورة تنميه مهارات وتعديل سلوك هتابع ولادنا بشكل صحيح وسليم وهنساعدك ازاي ترتقي بابنك بعلاقه تربويه صحيحه وسليمه لأنها متخصصه يعني هتتعامل وهتعلم اولادنا باساليب تربويه سليمه وحديثه
بنتبع التعليم بطريقه المنتسوري ولما نقول منتسوري مع متخصصين يعني ضامنتي لطفلك حل لاي مشكله تعليميه ممكن تواجهه
ولو هنتكلم عن الجانب الصحي بنوفر لأولادنا دكتورة اطفال متخصصه بتزورنا شهريا ويتعمل فايل متابعه لحاله كل طفل وبنمشي علي تعليماتها
نيجي للانشطه الموجودة في Blue bird الانشطه اللي بتساعدنا جدا أننا نطلع من اطفالنا افضل مافيهم من ابداع أو طاقه وكمان يرتبط بالمكان لدرجه انه مش هايبقي عايز يسبنا ودي من النقط اللي بتقلق أولياء الأمور أن طفلهم مايحبش المكان مش قلتلكوا في حل لاي مشكله هتشغل تفكريك

 بنقدم لطفلك قاعات واسعه وجاردن داخليه ممتعه وجاردن خارجيه واسعه جدا ومريحة علشان اولادنا يطلعوا طاقتهم بكل حريه وامان

مواعيد Blue bird من ٧صباحا ل ٤مساءً مواعيد اساسيه ومن ٤ل ٦ مساءً الوقت الإضافي

Creators Academy

We accept ages from 3 months.
Egyptian experienced teachers.
preparation for national and international interviews .
Transportation service available .
Balanced lunch and healthy snacks .
Mobile application .
Internationale Canadian curriculum .
Sunday to Thursday from 8:00am till 4:30 pm .
Extra hours available upon request.
Air conditioned classes with monitoring camera.
Physical education,Arts,thinking manners & motor skills .
Special program for winter,Spring & Summer vacations.
Our aim to develop children’s social and emotional skills and to promote the love of learning in an interactive environment .

Smile Kids Nursery

المواعيد من الساعة السابعة والنصف صباحاً وحتى الرابعة مساء ، ويوجد وقت إضافي ممتد للساعه السادسة مساءً ).
 تأهيل الأطفال للالتحاق بالمدرسة من الناحية التعليمية.
 تدريس اللغات ( الفرنسية - الإنجليزية - العربية ).
 تحفيظ القرآن الكريم.
 تقارير يومية.
يوجد برامج لتنمية المهارات ( المنتسوري).
الاهتمام بالأنشطة الفنية واليدوية والطبخ والاتيكيت والايروبكس.
 يوجد متابعة طبية اسبوعية.
وجبات يوميه
 نقوم باستقبال الأطفال بعد المدرسة ومساعدتهم لعمل الفروض المنزلية
(مخيم شتوي -مخيم صيفي)
انشطة رياضية مستمرة ( كاراتيه - باليه-جمباز)
العطلة الإسبوعية الجمعة والسبت.

We gladly welcome infants and children from age of 3 months old till school age


we help your kid in developing his mental and physical skills through an intergrated program based on Montessori Method . We also prepare your child to pass the admission exams for schools.



*availability of hosting after school kids *the nursery offers breakfast and lunch according to a balanced nutritional diet *outdoor and indoor play area *a special and well equipped place for babies *all classes are well equipped and air conditioned *we offer pick-up and delivery service for kids within hadayk el ahram and outside penphery *a qualified and experienced team work of teachers and supervisors are glad to take good care of your kids.






*daily working hours from 7.30am till 4.00pm additional hours are available from 4.00 till 6.00


Kids First Steps Nursery

تقدم خدامتها لطفلك kids first steps حضانه :
منهج مونتسوري متكامل
اشغال فنيه
مكان امن ومجهز للاطفال
اسعار متميزه لاول 5 اطفال

Me & Mammy Nursery

Me & Mammy 
Academy & International nursery 
Montessori house .

Me & Mammy nursery aims at providing a secure, caring and stimulating environment where children are treated as individuals, feel respected, valued and confident.

Our goal is to allow the child to get a better understanding of himself , of others and the world around him 
Our value the fact that Childs are trained to observe, to ask questions and to seek knowledge from a variety of sources.
Montessori class 
In which children follow their own interests in structures environment which meet their individual educational and cultural needs.
Character building 
Modifies your child’s behaviour through drama, critical thinking, role-play, modelling 
Daily report 
Monthly parent meeting to present child progress and portfolio 
Working hours 
Working hours from 7:00 am till 4:00pm and extra hours tell 6:00pm 
Food corner :
The nursery provides healthy hot meals for breakfast , lunch and a snack.





A Bright Star Nursery & Preschool

About A Bright Star Nursery: 

Languages: Arabic - British English - Holly Quran 

Working Hours: Basic time from 6:30 am to 7 pm 

Aerobics - Weekly Projects

Outdoor & indoor playing area

healthy food - Breakfast - Lunch - Snacks

A Bright Star Nursery Provide Medical Care 

Activities - Music - Birthday Parties 

Art Club  ( 5 pm to 7 pm ) - Trips - Extra Hours 

Transportation Available

Chance Nursery

Chance nursery
Where kids have fun &learn
About us;
we are trying to be the best by applying a fully inclusive setting, enabling children to play, have fun and develop within a safe, healthy environment made by teachers and care givers .
What makes us special;
• Family support
• Continuous follow up reports
• Small friendly environment like a home away from home for your baby
• Each child is treated as an individual
• Multi cultural and inclusive environment
• Professional staff applies our strict policy with high standards and so much understanding to put the children on track to have a great future developing their skills
Curriculum Highlights;
• Knowledge &understanding of the world
• Literacy & numeracy
• Role play & creative development
• Art learning in early years
• Dental care & medical care
• Arabic,English,French and Quran Karim classes
• Physical activities
• Educational field trips
• Shaded outdoor playing area
• Indoor soft playing area
• Daycare facilities
• Classrooms designed according to age groups
• Clean and healthy environment
• Healthy meals and pure natural water by using a 7 stages water purifier
• Continuous surveillance cameras indoor & outdoor to guarantee safety and performance
• All indoor areas are air conditioned
Montessori classes
Jolly phonics learning
Opening; Sun – Thurs from 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM ( Extra hours available until 9:00 PM )

Dar Ashab El Yameen

On the Path of the Beloved we go, Looking for a responsible generation who can easily mingle in his/ her community and Serve the Qur'an. With our special curriculum your child will be fluent in Arabic, English and French with Ijaza in Reading the Qur'an.
Montessori programs across the whole Nursery stages.
We have specialists for learning difficulties and child psychological problems.
Courses for the parents and Arabic courses for non-speaking origins,

1 2 3 Nursery
  • Our philosophy: We believe that 123 Nursery is a very important extension of mother as Our flexible daily program will respond to the needs and interests of your child, individually, as well as in group settings-Working days from 6.45 am to 5.30 pm ( Sunday to Thursday)


Disney House Nursery

*we are accept kids from 3 month to school age * Advanced educational programs by qualified teachers *language available (English & French) *baby class * Working hours from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm 5 days in week ( late service to 6:00 available) *after school till 6 pm *highly qualified_ EXPERIENCED staff *creative activities _ educational games *we provide healthy meals ( breakfast _ lunch _ snack ) *summer school students *sport activities with our specialized trainers *medical care and weekly checkup *funday and birthday party *indoor and outdoor safe playing areas Special offer for arrivals from Egypt kids directory

Sulley Sullivan International Nursery & Pre-school

Qualified foreign teacher & qualified assistants with international curriculum.

Open from Sunday to Thursday 7:00 am to 7:00

Receiving children from 3 months to 12 years.

Balances and healthy meals and snacks.

Medical care Dr.Mohamed Fakhry.

Music Lessons with Shwekar El Adl.

Transportation Available inside&outside Hadayek Al Ahraam

- Accept lovely kids from 3 months till school ages.
- Qualified teachers and assistants.
- Language: Arabic, English , French , Deutch and Spanish
- We have Quran including the good hobits and deeds 
- We enhance their motor skills by montessori system and prepare them for school interview.
- Four healthy and fresh meals ( breakfast - Snacks - Lunch and Dessert ).
- Special medical care. 
- Basic time from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
- Extra hours are available upon requests. extra hours from 4 : 6


- Etiquette