
Creato Kids

We will help your talented child to enter the world of mechatronics through a variety of different courses which will recognize the basics of mechanics and electronics and programming, and your kids will learn how to apply it in creative projects that simulate real projects

Fadela Center for psychological counseling and behavior modification

Fadela Center for psychological counseling and behavior modification

Elite university professors and experts specializing in the field of psychology, mental health and educational psychology. Our goal is to prepare specialized and qualified cadres on a scientific and practical basis by dealing with all the behavioral and psychological disorders of children and family as part of scientific guidance and behavioral programs that consistent with the Egyptian Environment

Young Leaders

Young Leaders Academy - ALEXANDRIA

In Young Leaders Academy, our mission is to create a brighter future for our kids in a safe, loving & fun environment.
Our experienced & caring staff will help your child/teen to find his/her passion & encourage them to pursue their dreams in STEM fields.
We help build their characters throughout our different courses , teach them the importance of teamwork through robotics competition trainings.
We are proud of all our Young Leaders!