
When you are looking for the best plastic surgery doctors in Tanta, you should find Tanta Directory, as it provides all plastic surgery doctors and clinics in Tanta and also provides numbers, addresses and locations of clinics in Tanta. Since beauty does not depend on the beauty of the face only, but the beauty of the body as well, and the beauty of the face is the final result of many factors, including the health and freshness of the skin and the consistency of its parts from the nose, cheeks, eyelids and even eyebrows. Plastic surgery, such as tightening the eyelids, removing fatty pockets from the bottom, as well as a face and neck lift, or rhinoplasty, and there is a simpler type of surgeries to fill the cheeks, lower eyelids and lips, such as injecting them with aspirated fat from different places of the body.

Dr. Waheed Beauty Clinic

Latest dermatology and laser
Clinical nutrition and dentistry
Laser hair removal
Treatment of birthmarks and capillaries
Treatment of scars and the effects of wounds and burns
Laser removal of acacia and polyps
Filler injections
Botox injections to treat wrinkles, sweating,
Laser acne treatment and removal
Mesotherapy for skin freshness and hair loss
Chemical peeling to rejuvenate the skin
PRP injection for skin rejuvenation and hair loss
Treatment of dark circles and stretch marks
Skin pigmentation treatment, lower vision